Happy 8 months Sweethearts :l

8 months of bliss :)
Thank you PapaGod for the gift of happiness, good health and good looks!
Lost Some Memory
I think I've lost some memory
since Miranda was born
I don't remember sleeping late
on a lazy Sunday morn
I don't remember quiet dinners
with candlelight and wine.
Or getting up and ready for work
and making it there on time.
I don't remember summer days
just lounging on the beach
And those memories of "girls' night out"
are somehow out of reach.
I don't remember long warm baths
with bubbles and a good book
Or my favorite TV program
or a movie worth a look.
I can't remember all those things
I spent time on yesterday
And I can't remember life
being any other way.
And as I lay her down at night
and kiss this little girl
I can't remember so much happiness,
such love and joy in my world.
Got the beautiful poem from the net and this pretty much explains my life now.
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