Untitled =)

I just dont know what to say. No. I cant seem to find the words on how to say IT. But I’m happy. Never been this happy! And I guess, just that alone is worth sharing and updating about.

My HAPPiNESS and I? Never been better. Sure we had our ups and downs but this is like the peak. If we were an ECG tracing we’d be Sinus Rhythm <3. (Wow I love that!) Maybe now I can say that we have so much history together already - given those 6 blissful years, but we still have a looong looong stretch ahead of us. This is not easy. This calls for maturation and responsibility. This calls for hard work, sleepless nights and thick wallets! But all the loving and hugging, kissing and laughing, and soon - all the cooing and smiling - just those things are reason enough for us to stay tight, put up with each other, and just be together.

And I can speak in behalf of MyHAPPiNESS because everytime I look into his eyes, all I see is the excitement and joy that this gives him. With that alone, I can sleep well at night. Because all I can wish for in our lifetime of togetherness is for everything in me, and for everything that I do - to make him the happiest man alive =) So much for wishful thinking huh?! I love seeing him happy. Because thats what he does to me. He perks me up like a cup of coffee (and I dont even drink coffee!). He’s my cherry on top (I don’t like cherries too!).

We have so much to be thankful and happy about, and we are just being thankful and happy!


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