Hello BLOG!
I know I owe my readers a lot but mommy-hood is just taking so much of my time right now. I'm sorry if I haven't updated for such a loooong time, but I know you guys understand. Anyways, let's try to sum everything up that happened for the past what... 7 months?! OH my did it really took me that long to blog? Where was I? haha! So lemme try to give you what I was up to, maybe even share you things that I shouldn't :)
- The twins are now 1 year and 6 months, turning 7mos on the 22nd.
- They are both walking, Raine is more talkative and 'mimicks' a lot of words while Arkin is more of 'Wahh! Wahh!' yeah whatever that language is.
- I am still breastfeeding. Woah! I know I don't have milk anymore, but they just love sucking it. Sometimes I see milk but I think they are just orally fixated at my nippies. haha!
- No, I'm not pregnant! I am officially on oral contraceptive pills for 4 months now, thanks to Ate Dodeth and my friend (you know who you are MARE haha!). I was really hesitant to use OCPs because I'm just not used to those but I had to and I am just happy we did. Hubby is happy I know because its fireworks all the time haha!
- I'm still the happiest and luckiest unemployed in the world. Still no yaya and managing it. The twins are super likot and they know how to throw tantrums already and I'm slowly learning the ropes of Parenting101. Experience really is the best teacher.
- We've been living with my in-laws since March. It's good because this really made us feel like we are a family. I've been doing our laundry ever since, a major major accomplishment if I may say.
- The twins adores their daddy more than me. I don't know if I should be sad about it or not because I am now officially just 'food' for them. Since they love playing a lot these days, they found a playmate in their dad. And because I am a 'corny' mom, they hate me. They only like me when they need a pacifier.
- I finally lost some weight! Yey for me! I wasn't really dieting or exercising, I just lost those damn pounds without even noticing it at all. Of course with the help of some episodes of diarrhea :)
- I'm really thinking about putting up an online store. I already did but I wasn't really 100% committed. I still don't know how I can manage that given that the twins are now nearing their terrible two's and are getting more malikot by the hour but I'd really really like to make some money.
- My facebook and twitter account are now in private not because of You-Know-Who but because of You-Know-What. I still have some trust issues with friends. I know it's sick already but whaddaheck. I need friends that I can trust.
Life really is good when you are having fun. I haven't even noticed were already done with the 1st half of 2011, not until Erlison told me. I guess that will be it for now. I'll just show up in here in case something's up or I find a need to write about something. And I will try my very best to bring back my old 'passion' for writing. It still is my passion, but it's not my first love anymore. And to show you my most prized possessions and how much they've grown...

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